Nutrition and Sickle Cell Disease Management.

Nutrition is the study of nutrients found in food, its actual purpose in the body and the relationship it has on a person’s diet, health and disease. There are a

My experience with Covid-19 by Deborah Chama

The COVID-19 pandemic has not been easy on anyone, and it has affected a lot of people in so many ways especially those living with chronic illnesses. COVID-19 pandemic is

Blood Donation Awareness

Blood is an important component in a human being as it serves a lot of purpose in a person’s body. Blood circulates through the body to deliver important Substances like

Jordyn’s Bone Marrow Transplant Journey

Shared By Her Mother Gevena Knight Jordyn was born with sickle cell disease SS and she was diagnosed at 3 weeks after the Newborn Screening was done. At first her

Leg Ulcers in Sickle Cell Disease

LEG ULCERS IN SICKLE CELL DISEASE. Leg ulcers are one of the complications that affects people living with sickle cell disease. A leg ulcer is a break in the skin

Warrior Spotlight – Sandhya Moraes

Meet Sandhya Devi Moraes, a sickle cell warrior from Zambia. She has Sickle Cell Thalassemia while her brother neither has sickle cell nor the trait. She’s a Secondary School teacher