My youngest child was born with sickle cell disease diagnosed at the age of 14 months. The earlier years of her life were the most difficult period our family had to deal with. After years of going through the grief process, I finally came to terms with her condition and reached an acceptance stage. It was not an easy road, it included years of tears, self-blame, depression, and anxiety for most part of her earlier years. Sickle Cell is unpredictable and hence we lived in a bubble of the unknown. We lived with a bag packed ready to go to hospital any time anywhere, any part of the world, even on the plane I had that “medicine bag”
The greatest challenge came when our daughter was finally old enough to notice that she was different. So questions started coming, “why me” And what is even this sickle cell disease. Explaining these two questions were hard. We tried as parents to put it the best possible way we could find at the time. And every time, the answers were different.
So, years ago, I had this idea of writing a series of children’s books to make it easy for the next family who find themselves in our shoes. After putting this project off for many years, I have finally started this process. I have started the Olana Sickle Cell Tales Series. The first book So I have Sickle Cell Disease is now out.
This book is about a typical African Family who finds out that their daughter has sickle cell disease. After years of noticing some minor complications and coming up with assumptions, they finally get the diagnosis that, so, she has sickle cell disease. Get yourself a copy on the link below.