Tips of Sickle Cell Managment by Lwimba.
Lwimba a sickle cell warrior from Zambia shared her tips on managing Sickle Cell.
1. I follow the doctor’s instructions all the time, I visit the hospital every time I am not feeling well. When I am okay, I have a 6 months review with my doctor just to ensure all the things are working perfectly.
2. I eat my vegetables and fruits. Vegetables with high chlorophyll are the best as these have high content in folic acid, any veggies with dark green leaves are very good for us. When my blood drops, I boost it with beetroots.
3. I take my medicines every day, I try not to miss a day, as you know we depend on medicine as our daily bread.
4. I drink a lot of water, as in a lot! Remember that water clears the yellowness in our eyes,it also flushes out medicines that we take every day.
5. I eat a balanced diet with vegetables as the main emphasis.
6. I try to control myself from taking cold water or drinks. Most times I take them at room temperature, it’s the best way to protect myself from igniting tonsils or chest pain. However if I said I don’t break the rules sometimes I’d be lying.
7. I keep myself warm all the time, especially during the winter and rainy season. Am always in socks, jerseys, slacks. I don’t bathe cold water no matter how hot it is.
8. I avoid fizzy drinks especially carbonated drinks, those are bad for sickle cell rather take pure juice or diluted juice. I also don’t take coffee, tea is the best.
9. I take lots of rest, I have a balanced sleeping pattern. I also avoid doing very heavy work or work that will strain me. I try to stay indoors most times to avoid flu or coughs.
10. I pray for God to heal me every day, I have never stop believing for my healing but at the end of the day God’s will be done.
Sadly, sickle cell is unpredictable, so you follow all the rules, do the right things but it will trip. It can be annoying! At the end of the day it’s about taking each day as it comes.